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Literature review And Policy Analysis

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Latest Knowledge Base Articles

143 Articles / 23 Categories

Annotation 1_How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in a ‘semiauthoritarian’ state:

Ayana, A. N., Arts, B., & Wiersum, K. F. (2018). How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in...

Annotation 1_ Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia

Lemma, M. D., & Cochrane, L. (2019). Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia: Ensuring no one is...

Latest Knowledge Base Articles

143 Articles / 23 Categories

Annotation 1_How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in a ‘semiauthoritarian’ state:

Ayana, A. N., Arts, B., & Wiersum, K. F. (2018). How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in...

Annotation 1_ Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia

Lemma, M. D., & Cochrane, L. (2019). Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia: Ensuring no one is...

Annotation 1_Policy responses and social solidarity imperatives to respond the COVID-19 pandemic

Angaw, K. W. (2021). Policy responses and social solidarity imperatives to respond the COVID-19 pandemic socio economic crises...

Annotation 2_Gendered inequalities and mediarepresentation: Social media contestationson Ethiopia’s‘gender-balanced’politicalleadership

Hussen, T. S. (2020). Gendered inequalities and media representation: Social media contestations on Ethiopia’s ‘gender-balanced political leadership. Agenda,...

Annotation 1_Social media trivialization of the increasing participation of women in politics in Ethiopia

Kassa, B. E., & Sarikakis, K. (2019). Social media trivialization of the increasing participation of women in politics...

Annotation_2_ Policy and strategy implications for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in Ethiopia

Ogato, G. S. (2013). The Quest for Gender Responsive Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Policy in Least Developed Countries:...

Latest Knowledge Base Articles

143 Articles / 23 Categories

Annotation 1_How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in a ‘semiauthoritarian’ state:

Ayana, A. N., Arts, B., & Wiersum, K. F. (2018). How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in...

Annotation 1_ Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia

Lemma, M. D., & Cochrane, L. (2019). Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia: Ensuring no one is...

Annotation 1_Policy responses and social solidarity imperatives to respond the COVID-19 pandemic

Angaw, K. W. (2021). Policy responses and social solidarity imperatives to respond the COVID-19 pandemic socio economic crises...

Annotation 2_Gendered inequalities and mediarepresentation: Social media contestationson Ethiopia’s‘gender-balanced’politicalleadership

Hussen, T. S. (2020). Gendered inequalities and media representation: Social media contestations on Ethiopia’s ‘gender-balanced political leadership. Agenda,...

Teyaki is a component of a project working towards tackling issues on women economic empowerment and unpaid care burden by influencing policy change in Ethiopia. 

Ethiopia has implemented some policies, programmes, and laws that influence or contribute to women’s economic empowerment and address gender inequalities. However, these are slow to materialise and other policies still need to include these gender provisions!

In addition to Teyaki, we will be engaging with various policy makers and other stakeholders on how we can bring about policy change.

Includovate is working in partnership with Addis Powerhouse and Organisation for Women in Self-Employment(WISE). This project is being funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Teyaki is a component of a project working towards tackling issues on women economic empowerment and unpaid care burden by influencing policy change in Ethiopia. 

Ethiopia has implemented some policies, programmes, and laws that influence or contribute to women’s economic empowerment and address gender inequalities. However, these are slow to materialise and other policies still need to include these gender provisions!

In addition to Teyaki, we will be engaging with various policy makers and other stakeholders on how we can bring about policy change.

Includovate is working in partnership with Addis Powerhouse and Organisation for Women in Self-Employment(WISE). This project is being funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

This project is funded by IDRC under the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) – East Africa Initiative. 

GrOW is jointly funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Includovate is working in partnership with Addis Powerhouse and Organisation for Women in Self Employment(WISE)

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