Advocacy articles

Annotation 1_Policy and Women Entrepreneurs in MSEs in Ethiopia: Does Gender Moderate the Relationship between Policy Component of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and the Performance of MSEs?

Wube, M.C. and Atwal, H. (2023) ”Policy and women entrepreneurs in MSES in Ethiopia: Does gender moderate the relationship between policy components of the entrepreneurial...

Annotation 2_Affirmative action policy in bridging the gender gaps in governmental institutions of Ethiopia: Implementation, successes and challenges

Alemu, N.E. et al. (2022) ‘Affirmative action policy in bridging the gender gaps in governmental institutions of Ethiopia: Implementation, successes and challenges’, Cogent Social Sciences,...

Annotation 3_Changes in the prevalence of child marriage in Ethiopia, 2005–2016’, Reproductive Health

Erulkar, A. (2022) “Changes in the prevalence of child marriage in Ethiopia, 2005–2016”, Reproductive Health, 19(S1).    Overviwe: This paper examines the proportion of young...

Annotation 4_Policies of gender equality in Ethiopia: the transformative perspective.

Bekana, D. M. (2020). Policies of gender equality in Ethiopia: the transformative perspective. International Journal of Public Administration, 43(4), 312-325.   Overview: This article analyzes...

Annotation 5_Is Gender Mainstreaming Viable? Empirical Analysis of the Practicality of Policies for Agriculture‑Based Gendered Development in Ethiopia

Tsige, M., Synnevåg, G., & Aune, J. B. (2020). Is gender mainstreaming viable? Empirical analysis of the practicality of policies for agriculture-based gendered development in...

Annotation 6_A policy analysis of policies and strategic plans on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Ethiopia

Rono, J., Kamau, L., Mangwana, J., Waruguru, J., Aluoch, P., & Njoroge, M. (2022). A policy analysis of policies and strategic plans on Maternal, Newborn...

Annotation 7_Betwixt and between: Adolescent transitions and social policy lacunae in Ethiopi

Devonald, M., Jones, N., Hamory, J., & Yadete, W. (2021). Betwixt and between: Adolescent transitions and social policy lacunae in Ethiopia. Childhood Vulnerability Journal, 1-21....

Annotation 8_Developing evidence-based advocacy and policy change strategies to protect, promote, and support infant and young child feeding

Hajeebhoy, N. et al. (2013) “Developing Evidence-Based Advocacy and Policy Change Strategies to Protect, Promote, and Support Infant and Young Child Feeding,” Food and Nutrition...

Annotation 1_Policy reform toward gender equality in Ethiopia:

Kumar, N., & Quisumbing, A. R. (2015). Policy reform toward gender equality in Ethiopia: Little by little the egg begins to walk. World Development, 67,...

Annotation 3_mplementation of the population policy of Ethiopia: achievements and challenges

Hailemariam, A. (2016). Implementation of the population policy of Ethiopia: achievements and challenges. Population Horizons, 13(1), 1-14.   Overview: The  National Population Policy (NPPE)  policy...

Annotation 4_Gender and climate policy: a discursive institutional analysis of Ethiopia’s climate resilient strategy

Mersha, A. A., & van Laerhoven, F. (2019). Gender and climate policy: a discursive institutional analysis of Ethiopia’s climate resilient strategy. Regional environmental change, 19,...

Annotation 5_ The politics of policy and programme implementation to advance adolescent girls’ well-being in Ethiopia

Jones, N., Presler-Marshall, E., Tefera, B., & Alwab, B. G. (2018). The politics of policy and programme implementation to advance adolescent girls’ well-being in Ethiopia....

Annotation 6_A Review of Constitutional and Policy Provisions for Women empowerment in Ethiopia

Assefa, T. (2021). A Review of Constitutional and Policy Provisions for Women empowerment in Ethiopia. Academia Letters, 2.   Overview: Women’s economic and political contributions...

Annotation 7_Women Empowerment: Policy Evidences from Ethiopia and Kenya

Assefa, T., & Haile, W. (2022). Women Empowerment: Policy Evidence from Ethiopia and Kenya. Qeios.   Overview: Correcting gender disparity in society leads to women’s...

Annotation_2_ Policy and strategy implications for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in Ethiopia

Ogato, G. S. (2013). The Quest for Gender Responsive Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Policy in Least Developed Countries: Policy and Strategy Implications for Promoting Gender...

Annotation 1_Social media trivialization of the increasing participation of women in politics in Ethiopia

Kassa, B. E., & Sarikakis, K. (2019). Social media trivialization of the increasing participation of women in politics in Ethiopia. Journal of African Media Studies,...

Annotation 2_Gendered inequalities and mediarepresentation: Social media contestationson Ethiopia’s‘gender-balanced’politicalleadership

Hussen, T. S. (2020). Gendered inequalities and media representation: Social media contestations on Ethiopia’s ‘gender-balanced political leadership. Agenda, 34(1), 55-63.   Overview: This briefing explores...

Annotation 1_Policy responses and social solidarity imperatives to respond the COVID-19 pandemic

Angaw, K. W. (2021). Policy responses and social solidarity imperatives to respond the COVID-19 pandemic socio economic crises in Ethiopia. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 279-287....

Annotation 1_ Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia

Lemma, M. D., & Cochrane, L. (2019). Policy coherence and social protection in Ethiopia: Ensuring no one is left behind. Societies, 9(1), 19.   Overview:...

Annotation 1_How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in a ‘semiauthoritarian’ state:

Ayana, A. N., Arts, B., & Wiersum, K. F. (2018). How environmental NGOs have influenced decision making in a ‘semi-authoritarian state: The case of forest...

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