Unpaid Care

Overview This blog emphasises the role of unpaid care work in women’s economic empowerment and the need for policies that consider its impact and prioritise interventions to reduce, recognise and redistribute the load. However, affecting policy change is complex. It requires taking advantage of opportune moments such as when political conditions are favourable, and when […]

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By Hidaya Muhiden Unpaid care work encompasses direct care of individuals and the domestic labour that facilitates it, and is vital for development, as it accounts for the majority of work hours for rural families, particularly poor women and girls. Unpaid caregiving is crucial for individual and societal well-being, but the disproportionate share completed by […]

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By Hidaya Muhiden Unpaid care work has a significant and beneficial influence on the economy, families, and communities. The issue of unpaid care is a global problem that affects women in all parts of the world, regardless of their socioeconomic status or the level of development of their country. Although some nations have made progress […]

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Press Release In the past, Ethiopia has implemented several policy and institutional frameworks to enhance women’s empowerment. However, the implementation has been hindered by various factors including a disparity between policy discourse and reality on the ground. For example, according to World Bank data, in 2022, the labor force participation rate among females in Ethiopia […]

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